Monday, January 21, 2008

The Carbon Buster's Home Energy Handbook

How are you doing with your New Year's resolutions? Been to the gym more often? Me neither. Lowered your CO2 emissions yet? Me neither. But the year is young... and some expert help is on the way, this very week, with the Al Gore of St. Albert, Godo Stoyke, dropping into the Library this Thursday January 24th @ 7pm with a handy free public workshop called "Carbon Busting for Fun and Profit".

Godo is President of Carbon Busters Inc., an "energy efficiency consultancy" that has worked with companies and organizations around the world to reduce CO2 emissions. His 2007 book, The Carbon Buster's Home Energy Handbook: Slowing Climate Change and Saving Money, is full of practical ways to save money through energy efficiency. And he even thanks the Library in his introduction: "Thanks to the friendly staff at the St. Albert library, for providing one of the best selections of books for a library of this size I have ever seen."

The hand wringing and the debates about climate change are so 2007. Godo's book - and his talk at the Library - help us move on into actually doing something practical.


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