The Story of Edgar Sawtelle

Here's the Gazette blurb: "Prepare for the dog days of summer with this widely-acclaimed novel that readers can lose themselves in. A riveting family story, based loosely on Hamlet, about a mute boy, Edgar, and the special dogs he breeds on a remote
I paired it with another summer dog novel, The Art of Racing in the Rain by Garth Stein: "A novel narrated by Enzo, the family dog, about his master Denny, an aspiring Seattle race-car driver. It may sound odd but even hard-hearted skeptics will be pulled into this moving story of a family in crisis."
My family and I listened to Enzo's tale on unabridged audiobook as we drove to Vancouver Island this summer. We finished it on the drive back, somewhere east of Vancouver I think, with all members of the family blubbering away (I'm not spoiling the plot - from page one you know that, well, Enzo dies).